Berks Box Lacrosse League
- 8 teams – First Come / First Serve
- Age Groups
- Elementary- 4th & 5th grade
- Middle School - 6th/7th/8th grade
- 40 min game slots - 17 min halves, 2 min halftime
- We'll use field officials, but play USBOXLA rules as best we can.
- 7 games guaranteed across 10 weeks
- Playoffs in Week 11 include top 4 teams per age (semis and final)
- Dates - Sundays, 8-12 a.m., 11/12/23 - 2/11/24
- Skipping 11/26 (Thanksgiving)
- Skipping 12/24 (Christmas Eve)
- Skipping 12/31 (NYE)
- Equipment
- Field players – standard field equipment is fine. Rib pads can be used (recommended)
- Goalies – We (Wilson) collectively have four (4) sets of gear but we are working to determine if we loan gear out or ask each club to purchase.
- Team registration fee of $545.
- Teams will be responsible for regular season official fees totaling $455 ($65*7). The league will cover post-season official fees.
- Example math: This gives a total team cost of $1000 for 7 games and possible playoffs ($545 registration fee + $455 official fees). If a team to rosters 10 kids and charge $100/kid, this is $14/game.

Body Zone: 3103 Paper Mill Rd, Reading, PA 19610